100+ Clean Halloween Jokes for Kids

Halloween is a famous festival in the western countries which is celebrated on 31 October each year. On the occasion of this festival, people dress up in an awkward style to get noticed by other people. This festival is also very famous among children as on this day they share funny Halloween puns, funny ghost stories, ghost jokes, Halloween knock-knock jokes with each other. The sharing of funny Halloween humor runs all the days of October month till 31 October. Today, in this article you will find a range of hilarious Halloween jokes for kids. All the jokes in our collection are clean and suitable for kids.

To make your kid laugh in this October, you can share some kids-friendly knock-knock jokes with them by putting a napkin written with Halloween jokes in their lunch box. You can also make your kids laugh & scary by asking a witch joke question, in reward you can offer them a candy or their favorite dish. We are sharing all types of Halloween jokes for kids below. Read them and make your kids laugh at upcoming Halloween month.

Halloween knock-knock jokes

Kid knock-knock jokes are very famous among parents and children. You can share this kind of jokes with your kids when they are behind the locked door. And as they knock on the door, ask them some Halloweeneen knock-knock jokes. Check out the cluster of  Halloween jokes for kids with knock knock humor. All these jokes are clean and suitable for kids.

Knock Knock!!
Who’s there?
Turin who?
Turin to a vampire this Halloween!

Knock Knock!!
Who’s there?
Thermos who?
Thermos be a better way!

Knock Knock
Whos there?
Boo who?
Dont cry! I’m just a Halloween trick or treater

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Ice Cream.
Ice cream who?
Ice cream every time I see a ghost!

Halloween Knock Knock Jokes
Wolves Knock Knock Joke

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Tinker Bell!
Tinker Bell who?
Tinker Bell is out of order!

Knock Knock!!
Who’s there?
Tad who?
Tad old black magic!

Knock Knock!!
Who’s there?
Dishes who?
Dishes a very Halloween bad joke!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Olive who?
Olive Halloween!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Ben who?
Ben waiting for Halloween all year!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Howl who?
Howl you be dressing up this Halloween?

Knock Knock!!
Who’s there?
Ben who?
Ben knocking on this door all night!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Frank who?

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Witch who?
Witch one of you will give me some Halloween candy?

Knock Knock!!
Who’s there?
Boo Who?
Ah, don’t cry, Halloween is just around the corner!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Ivan who?
Ivan to suck your blood!!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Ivana Who?
Ivana suck your blood!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Twick who?
Twick or Tweet!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Vampire who?
Vampire state building!

kid friendly Knock knock jokese
Knock Knock Humor Joke

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Disguise who?
This guy is your boy friend!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Phillip who?
Phillip my bag with Halloween candy!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Earl who?
Earl be glad to tell you when you open this door!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Wolvesly who?
Wolves say Happy Howloween!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Gargoyle Who?
If you Gargoyle with salt water, your throat will feel better!

More Halloween Jokes for Kids Below-

Knock, Knock!!
Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Jacklyn who?
Jacklyn Hyde!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Aaron who!
Aaron on the side of caution this Halloween!

Who’s there?
Abbott who?
Abbott time you answered the door and where is my candy!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Aida who?
Aida lot of sweets and now I’ve got tummy ache!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Witches who?
Witches way to the haunted house!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Zoom who?
Zoom did you expect!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Elias who?
Elias a terrible scary thing!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Essen who?
Essen it fun to listen to these Halloween jokes!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Forbes who?
Forbes of Evil!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Iran who?
Iran over here to get some candy!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Jagger who!
Jagger’d edge!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Max who?
Max no difference. trick or treat!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Norma who?
Norma’lly I say trick or treat!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Parton who?
Parton me buy it is Halloween!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Robin who?
Robin your house!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Dozen who?
Dozen anyone ever answer the door!

Knock, Knock!!
Who’s there?
Eddie who?
Eddie body home it is Halloween!

Halloween One Liners Jokes for Kids

Like our above collection of Halloween knock knock jokes for kids, this collection of  Halloween one-liners is very funny and it will definitely make your kid laugh out loud. Here are some clean one-liners Halloween jokes for kids. Read them and select a few for your children to make them laugh on this Halloween.

witch jokes
Witches & Baseball Joke
  • What did the mummy say to the detective? Let’s wrap this case up.
  • Why didn’t the skeleton go to the Halloween party? Because he had no-body to go with.
  • How do monsters tell their future? They read their horrorscope.
  • Where does Dracula keep his valuables? In a blood bank.
  • Why did the cyclops give up teaching? Because he only had one pupil.
  • Where does Dracula stay in New York? The Vampire State Building.
  • I have 24 legs, 12 arms and 6 heads, what am I? A liar!
  • What happened when the young witch misbehaved? She was sent to her broom.
  • What do you call a witch at the beach? A sandwich.
  • What should you do when zombies surround your house? Hope it’s Halloween.
  • Why don’t mummies have hobbies? Because they’re too wrapped up in their work.
  • Why do witches use brooms? Because vacuum cleaners are far too heavy!
  • What do ghosts serve for dessert? I scream!
  • What do you get if you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite
  • Why did the vampires cancel the baseball game? Because they couldn’t find their bats.
  • What does a ghost do to stay safe in a car? — He puts on his sheet belt.

More Halloween Jokes for Kids Below –

  • Why did the witches cancel their baseball game? — They couldn’t find their bats.
  • What do monsters turn on in the summer time? — The scare conditioner.
  • Why is it safe to tell a mummy your secret? — It’ll keep it under wraps.
  • Why was the jack-o-lantern afraid to cross the road? — It had no guts.
  • What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? — STRAW-berries.
  • What is the best way to speak to a monster? — From a long distance away!
  • Where do baby ghosts go during the day? — Day-scare centers.
  • What do birds say on Halloween? — Twick o Tweet.
  • What is the most important subject a witch learns in school? — Spelling.
  • What kind of roads do ghosts haunt? — Dead ends.
  • How do you make a witch itch? — Take away the W.
  • Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball? — Because he had no BODY to go with.
  • What do witches put on their hair? Scare spray.
  • Why don’t ghosts like rain? — It dampens their spirits.
  • What did the scarecrow say to the kid dressed up as corn? — That costume is a-MAZE-ing.
  • What candy do you eat on the playground? — Recess pieces.
  • Why do witches wear name tags? — So they will know which witch is which.
  • Why didn’t the scarecrow eat dinner? — He was already stuffed.
  • What kind of monster loves to disco? — The boogieman.
  • Why do people like vampires so much? — Because they are FANGtastic.
  • What does a cool witch ride instead of a motorcycle? — A Brrrrrr – oomstick.
  • How do you make a skeleton laugh? — Tickle its funny bone.

Trick or Treat Halloween Jokes for Kids

Halloween is a time of fun, humor, and pranks. Children in scary costumes such as skeleton, vampire, and ghost travel door to door and ask people for a treat by saying the phrase “Trick or Treat”. Before asking for the treat, they share some funny Halloween jokes with people and the people give them candies or sometimes money.  We have added some trick or treat Halloween jokes for kids in our collection which are suitable to ask someone for a treat.

Q: What do you do when 50 zombies surround your house?
A: Hope it’s Halloween!!

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton want to go to school?
A: His heart wasn’t in it.

Q: Why did the skeleton cross the road?
A: To get to the body shop.

Q: What did the little girl say when she had to choose between a tricycle and a candy bar?
A: “Trike or Treat”?

Q: What room does a ghost not need?
A: A living room!

Q: Who did Frankenstein take to the dance?
A: His “ghoul” friend!

Q: What do ghosts use to wash their hair?
A: Shamboo!

Halloween Ghost Jokes
Ghost & Cheerleaders Halloween Joke

Q: What do you get when you cross a witch with sand?
A: A sandwich!

Q: What is a vampire’s favorite fruit?
A: A nectarine!

Q: What kind of dessert does a ghost like?
A: I scream!

Q: When is it bad luck to be followed by a black cat?
A: When you’re a mouse.

Q: What do birds say on Halloween?
A: Twick o tweet

Q: What do moms dress up as on Halloween?
A: Mummies!

Q: What does a skeleton say before dinner?
A: Bone appetit!

Q: What does a witch use to keep her hair up?
A: Scarespray!

Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A: Frostbite.

Q: What kind of pants do ghosts wear?
A: Boo-Jeans.

Q: Why do ghosts make good cheerleaders?
A: Because they have a lot of spirit.

Q: What did one owl say to the other owl?
A: Happy Owl-ween!

Q: Why is a skeleton so mean?
A: He doesn’t have a heart.

Q: What goes around a haunted house and never stops?
A: A fence.

Q: What did the ghost say to the other ghost?
A: Do you believe in humans?

Q: What do vampires take when they are sick?
A: Coffin drops!

Q: What do you get when you cross a duck with a vampire?
A: Count Quackula!

Q: Where do ghosts buy their food?
A: At the ghost-ery store!

Q: What do ghosts eat for supper?
A: Spooketi

Q: What is the most important subject a witch learns in school?
A: Spelling.

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
A: He didn’t have any guts!

More Funny Halloween Jokes for Kids Below –

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball?
A: Because he had no BODY to go with.

Q: What do you call a fat pumpkin?
A: A plumpkin.

Q: Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
A: Because you can see right through them!

Q: Why is Superman’s costume so tight?
A: Because he wears a size “S”.

Q: What do you get when you cross a witch with sand?
A: A sandwich!

Q: Why did the skeleton go to the prom alone?
A: Because he couldn’t find any “body” to go with.

Q: Which musical instrument do skeletons play?
A: Trom-Bone

Q: What song do vampires hate?
A: “You Are My Sunshine”

Halloween Jokes
Owl & Halloween Joke

Q: What type of monster loves dance music?
A: The boogieman

Q: What do skeletons order at restaurants?
A: Spare ribs

Q: Who are cousins of the werewolf?
A: What-wolf and When-wolf

Q: Where do werewolves store their things?
A: In a were-house

Q: What kind of makeup do witches wear?
A: Mas-scare-a

Q: When does a ghost eat breakfast?
A: In the moaning.

Q: What do spirits send their friends while on vacation?
A: Ghostcards

Q: What do the grow in the Halloweenland garden?
A: Zombeets.

Q: Which of the witch’s friends was good at baseball?
A: The bat.

Q: Which ghost lives in Town Hall?
A: The night-mayor.

Q: Where do spirits go to send their mail?
A: The ghost office.

Q: When do skeletons laugh?
A: When something tickles their funny bones.

Q: Why did the police officer arrest the ghost?
A: Because he didn’t have a haunting license.

Q: What city do most werewolves live?
A: Hollywood, California

There we have presented a huge collection and a range of clean Halloween jokes for kids. All these jokes are suitable for upcoming Halloween. Let your kids know about this collection and select few of them. We will keep you updated with other varieties of Jokes, till then enjoy that are available.

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