Proven Health Benefits of Garlic in Daily Life

Garlic is a herb that is generally used in many household dishes with onion, tomato, and chilies. It is considered, Garlic is originated in Siberia and in 5000 years it spread all over the world. Garlic is a common ingredient in everybody’s kitchen. There is something irresistible about the aroma of roasted garlic which makes it usable in traditional dishes like Curry, Pizza toppings, Pasta, and meat preparation. Garlic has a characteristic to liven up with any dish and give its flavor which is easy to identify. There are many health benefits of garlic if we use it daily in our life.

Garlic has different antifungal and antibacterial properties which even sometimes helps to cure cancer too. It has been used as a food flavoring agent and traditional medicine. Garlic is a member of the onion family which contain 10 to 20 cloves in every single piece. Each clove of garlic is a powerhouse of medicine and flavor. A 100 grams of garlic contains 30 grams of carbs, 150 calories, and 6.6 grams of proteins. Garlic includes vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, and iron in its adorable herbal properties. Let’s discuss some proven health benefits of garlic.

8 Health benefits of garlic You May Not Know

Garlic has a number of health benefits that one may not be aware of. This herb is not only useful in making delicious dishes but also can benefit a person in a number of ways. Here we have enlisted some popular and researched health benefits of garlic usage in our daily life. If we consume garlic in our daily life then we can get a sound health and get rid of many health problems.

Stabilizes Blood Pressure

As we know garlic is a traditional medicine, mature garlic extracts have a powerful property of bioactive sulfur compounds which is the perfect remedy to lower the blood pressure. It can reduce blood pressure by 10mmHg and 8 mmHg. Lack of sulfur in our body is a major cause of increased blood pressure, therefore, supplementing the body with garlic sulfur compounds helps to stabilize the blood pressure. To stabilize the blood pressure we can consume dry and raw garlic.

garlic help to control the bp
BP Checking Machine

Lowers the LDL Cholesterol

This is one of the health benefits of garlic. Many scientists have proved that aged garlic extracts are helpful to reduce the LDL cholesterol level by 10% in hypercholesterolemic male human participants. Garlic synthesis the cholesterol in liver cells. Scientists further researched that water-soluble compounds of garlic can reduce cholesterol level by 20 to 30%

Acts as a Blood Purifier

The purified blood is helpful for healthy skin. If you are tired up by different treatments of blood purifier then you should definitely try Garlic. Take two cloves of raw garlic with warm water every morning and drink a lot of water the whole day. If you are looking to lose some kilo of your body then squeeze a lemon in a glass of warm water with two garlic cloves. The daily practice of this remedy will be helpful to reduce weight and purifies the blood.

a boy showing diabetes poster
Garlic stabilize the Diabetes

Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

The medical science has proved that a garlic has the multiple properties which are helpful to diagnose almost all the cardiovascular diseases. It prevents the cardio diseases by lowering bad cholesterol, lipid and serum triglyceride and increases the antioxidant activities. A daily use of raw garlic in meal is helpful to prevent all cardiovascular-related diseases. This is the effective health benefits of garlic.

a healty heart makes boy fit
Healthy Heart Image

Increases Bone Strength

Age and the unhealthy lifestyle are the reasons for weak bones. A weak bone in our body is susceptible to fracture and breakage by a normal injury. Making bones strong is counted among the powerful and practical health benefits of garlic. Scientists have supplemented the garlic oil in the lab rats and found, garlic has suppressed the ovariectomy-induced bone resorption. Consuming 2 to 3 garlic cloves daily makes your bones strong.

Anti Bacterial and Parasitic

We all know antibacterial and parasitic are the primary health benefits of garlic. It is one of the most used herbs from ancient time for the bacterial control in the human body. Diluted garlic is helpful to diagnoses the tapeworm infections in children. A garlic paste mouthwash not only makes our mouth fresh, but it is helpful to remove the bacterias which cause the cavities in teeth.

a human body bacteria
Human Body Bacteria

Skin & Hair Care

Free radicals and depletion of collagen are the cause of skin aging. Garlic has the properties to fight against skin problems too. It is also an effective remedy for athlete’s foot and ringworm. As we know onion is a good supplement for healthy hair but its brother garlic is also a perfect treatment to cure your hair related problems. You can apply crushed garlic or oil on your scalp to fight against hair problems. Garlic is also good for regaining loss hair.

a aged skin image of a girl
Girl’s Aged Skin

Strengthen Immune System

Garlic contains many antioxidants like phytonutrients. These antioxidants help to flush our toxin elements of the body. Toxin elements in our body are the popular reason for the poor immunity of the body. Consuming 2 to 3 garlic cloves in a day improve and strengthen the immunity.

How to use Garlic in your daily Diet

  • You can consume a clove of garlic during your meal.
  • Add 2 or 3 cloves of garlic in mustard oil.
  • Add garlic in your food pasta, bread, curry, daal, vegetables, soups, stews etc


  • Before consuming garlic, an asthma patient should consult his doctor.
  • Garlic should be avoided before surgeries and medical operations.
  • Do not consume more than 2 or 3 cloves of garlic in a day.

So, these were some of the research-proven benefits of garlic in our daily life. Everyone must include this beneficial herb in his food in order to take maximum benefit of garlic.

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